08 mai 2009

Orgasmic Birth

One of my patients mentioned that she had heard about the movie on the radio last week. I grabed the chance to attend it's first viewing at Vanier College earlier this week. It was fantastic!! I cried so many times, tears of joy for the pride I felt towards the families who shared such positive stories, as well as towards those who collaborated to make this film possible for the public at large. So many of the points brought through the film were messages I had heard in my Accompagnante (Doula) class at the CÉMA, by reading "Une Naissance Heureuse", "Spiritual Midwifery" as well as during my conversations with women who shared their positive birth stories. The key points focussed on the couple being in the intimacy that allows the baby to be conceived in the first place. This enables the hormones our body secrete naturally to be orchestrated appropriately during each step of the birthing process. After the movie, I spoke with a colleague, Hélène Jacquemont, who is, among other things, a Hypnobirthing instructor for couples. She told me that the techniques she teaches allow for an even more simple and beautiful birthing experience.

I feel
so privileged to live in this era of rediscovery of our fundamental strength and capabilities. Such notions are no longer just for the marginals. They are now shared and experienced in so many different contexts. More and more mainstream people are catching on. Regardless or maybe thanks to the obstacles we have and still face, we ARE moving in the right direction.

Le fait que ce film ait été annoncé à l'émission de Christiane Charette, qu'un article de la Presse ait récemment été publié concernant la surmédicalisation des naissances au Québec et au Canada, ainsi qu'un autre article du même journal sur le centre Yogamaternité, appuient d'autant plus mon sentiment que nous sommes sur la bonne 'voie natale'.


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